Monday, January 31, 2011

Channah's Birthday Party

The Cake.  I am so  proud of my decorating!  It is the first time EVER I have made a cake and you can tell what it is supposed to be.

The arts and crafts project (hair elastics with ribbons)

Pictures with the duck :)

Watching the movie.

Arts and Crafts project

Snacking during the movie

Playing pass the package


Jeannette said...

What a good momma to make such a cake while you wait for the baby to come...Your birthday girl is lovely.
May goodness and mercy follow her all the days of her life.

Unknown said...

I wish I could have been there. The cake looks too good to eat and I need a fancy hair ribbon too.
Hey Birthday Girl, please teach me how to make one!!!
Lots of love
Aunty b