If you ever hear me telling a story that start with "I have a brother named Meyer" listen up- it is bound to be a great story.
I love my brother. We have not always gotten along, but I think that can be said of most siblings. The older we have gotten the closer we have become. I think that can also be said of most siblings. I really enjoy spending time with him now, and have had the pleasure of watching him grow up into a wonderful and participating member of adult society.
But still my heart leaped into my throat when I found out he was coming to Israel and planned to use my place as a landing pad.
I should not have worried. First of all, I have to say that he was a wonderful house guest. If he ever needs a place to stay, do not hesitate. He ate what we ate, entertained himself, and was great company. He kept his smelly socks out of the living room and even helped clean up after dinner. He knew to be quiet once Channah was in bed and remembered to turn off the hot water heater when he finished showering. He was in town for 3 weeks and did not even ask to use the laundry machine (which might account for the smelly socks).
On the flip side, he was his usual hysterical self. He had our shabbat guests rolling. I can not for the life of me remember what we talked about, but I do know that they called after and told me how much fun they had. Lunch on shabbat was focused around trying to get one of Channah's toys to work propperly. We were all passing the thing around the table. After 3 or for complete circles he finally noticed two button on the bottom. With that him and our friendly shabbat guest engineer managed to get it all back to normal.
He was here for candle lighting the first 2 days and then was off with the program he came with for the next week.
The following shabbat we spend in Yerushalayim. We were staying with my old Bat mitvah teacher (a long itme friend of the families) in the German Colony. Dinner was with my great and and uncle and there family who were all here for one of the grandchildren's Bat Mitzvahs. Funny enough my uncle UJ happend to also be in town with 2 of his boys so it really was a lovely family meal- the first one we have had in a while. Even Meyer managed ot get away for dinner to join us.
I can not believe how much I miss having my family around.
Be that as it may, dinner was lovely (as anything hosted by Aunty R and Uncle H tend to be). It was great ot see everyone. Then the three of us and my uncle and his kids (those that were here) went back to where we were staying.
The house was incredible and perfectly decorated. It was stunning without feeling like a museum. Our hostess and Channah hit it off wonderfully! It was so nuce to see Channah take ot her so well as she is someone who I have always liked as well. We went ot shul with her shabbat morning and were back at her house for lunch and the afteroon.
This week Meyer was back with us for a couple of days. channah had re-warmed up to him and we spent a lot of time laughing (and following the news). It was really wonderful having him here.
We had a great last evening (yes I cried. you should know by now that is just what I do. I cry.) We all took the bus home from Jerusalem together. Channah helped him pack while I checked his travel arrangements and printed his ticket. Got him a cab and he went to the train station to catch the last train of the night at 11:23.
Yeah, except for the fact that I am an idiot it all worked out great! He got to the train station to find it locked and desserted. I had misread the timetable and the last train was an hour earlier. Crap! What now? We ended up calling Lor and Avri to see if we could borrow their car. Jason cabbed it over to their place, grabbed the car and drove Meyer to Tel Aviv. He then drove back and Avri was nice enough ot give him a ride home rather than havign to call for and wait for another cab at roughly 2 am.
I need to learn to read.
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