Friday, March 27, 2009

A Day Working in Israel

At one point this week my job was described as living out a second childhood.

"Your broke it and I am going to tell!"

Every year in Toronto my boss would send me the prayer for Parnasah that is said Erev Pesach. As he was the one who signed my paycheck he knew I needed it. This year I forgot.

Every month my company has some sort of lunch for Rosh Chodesh. When I got to the office yesterday, all I knew was that there would be pizza and the possibility of being outdoors. There was also to be a surprise. Lunch was scheduled for 12:00. At 11:28 a company wide e-mail went out telling everyone to be ready to leave in two minutes for our trip. Some would be travelling by car and others by bus. There was a list of travel arrangements.

Our first stop was a tiny orchard off of highway 10 (the backroad) near the entrance to Bet. There were olive, lemon, orange, grapefruit and pomello trees in various stages of bloom. At one point there was a disagreement if a tree was grapefruit or pomello. Someone made the comment that it was too small to be a pomello. Someone else pointed out that it was because it was still growing on the tree. We made the bracha on newly budding trees that is said after Pesach.

We have launched a beta version of our product in Germany. It can be downloaded and used for free. One of the cellular provieders is even waiving airtime fees on the product. We need 500 users to get to the next stage in marketing. If you anybody in Germany willing to give it a try please let me know.

The next stop was a park in Migdal HaMayim for a picnic. We had pizza and ice cream. We also had an update on how the company is dong financialy and where it is going in the future. In spite of all of the economic downturn the future looks bright for our company. We have a product that everyone wants, that other companies are not able to deliver.

It was a fun day. It is nice to be in a good working enviornment with a company that has a promissing future.

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