At this point we are well out of range and there is nothing to worry about. Beit Shemesh, and by extension Ramat Beit Shemesh is one of the location people would be evacuated TO in case of an emergency. There is not even a thought at this time of installing early warning systems or other emergency equipment where we are located.
Ok. That being said.
I know I should not be nervous as we are nowhere near the centre of the goings-on. I know there are loads of people who have way more reason to be frightened than I do. I know that this was something we had to think about before we made our decision to move and that no one forced us to come here. I know all that.
I am scared anyway.
Iran has declared that the whole of Israel is an acceptable target. Theoretically the whole country is in range of something that can blow it up/make the air unbreathable/corrode anything under the sun.
I heard the planes today and they scared me. I don't care if it is being called a military operation, a war or a carnival. A am ashamed to admit that a piece of me just wants to run home to "snowmageddon" back in Toronto.
It is not that I do not think this is the right thing to be doing. On the contrary, I am glad the government has finally stepped up and chosen to do something about the constant barrage on its citizens. I saw the perfect description on a bloggers site where he wrote "there has been a war for a while. Just now we finally joined it".
I think I am more worried about the outside attacks though than the actual rockets. The stabbing in Kiryat Sefer by a "disgruntled" Aravi worker. The call for suicide bombers to come back into action. I know I am lucky enough to be in a "safe" section of the country. It is not one of those places open for debate- but those in Gaza would have me and my home wiped in to the sea as they would have those is Sederot and before that those in Dimona. When do I need to start eyeying every passenger on the Beit Shemesh bus when I get on to make sure those are "our" Burka babes and not "theirs". At what point might I decide that leaving my home, my room and my bed or letting Channah out of the sealed room is not worth it anymore.
Where does it end?
What could we ever give them that would satisfy them? 3 years ago the government chose to give them the entirety of Aza- it was left "yudenreine". And now? Do we have peace? No, we have pieces. Pieces of homes and lives lost to their rockets. And were we to give them Sederot- give them what they are claiming to want- what then? Do you really, for one minute, think that will satisfy them? That it will satiate their desire for Jewish blood?
We can not fool ourselves into thinking that this is all politically motivated. If so why are they not bombing Jordan? Wasn't that also a part of the original "Palestinian State".
Sorry, I am ranting.
For clarification sake.
Red is Gaza
Green is places they have hit
Yellow is large cities that have not been hit (although no one knows why they have not hit BerSheva (the bottom yellow square). I added in Sderot in black since many people have heard of it and will be able to use it as a reference.
Blue is us. Outside the range of the green squares.
Gaza -> Ashdod 38km
Gaza -> Jerusalem 78km
Gaza -> Tel Aviv 71 km
Gaza -> Rechovot (just above the top green square which is Yavne) 53km
Gaza -> BerSheva 42 km
Again. At this point we are well out of range and there is nothing to worry about. Beit Shemesh, and by extension Ramat Beit Shemesh is one of the location people would be evacuated TO in case of an emergency. There is not even a thought at this time of installing early warning systems or other emergency equipment where we are located.
Israel's a very small country. We've been here in 1970. Keep praying. We're one people.
I have news from the front lines on my blog, though Shiloh is further than RBS, Notes from Netivot.
Thank you for the link. I am off to read now.
Question, how did you find your way here (I mean to this site?) I always wonder why people bother reading this if they do not know us!
I don't remember. It's me from comment#1. I blog multiple identities.
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