Monday, July 13, 2009

Random Messages

1) Good luck tomorrow Deb.

2) Mazel Tov Karen and Morrie! Wishing you long happy and healthy lives together and thanks for giving us a great excuse to start searching for a good travel agent (yes we know it might be a ways off but it never hurts to start looking! Let us know when you have a date so we can be really organized!)

3) Tzeitzchem leShalom and Bruchin Habaim to the newist family members on the aliya bandwagon! To the Gasners- coming to the end of our first year, I can tell you it is a huge and very worthwhile challaenge and we are thrilled to have you joining us on this side of the ocean. MAy the rest of our family be so smart!

4) To all the new readers we have picked up i nthe last few weeks- Hi!

1 comment:

Aunty B said...

We got to keep Kayla Gasner !!!

The Gasner family is en-route as I write. It was an emotional day for all.

Enjoy the newcomers.
Love Aunty b